Friday, January 25, 2008

such high ambitions.....

I've wanted to change JP over to cloth diapers for some time now. Being financially challenged that really means that I had to make them. While the financial issues are brighter these days... I have to do something with my piles of fabric bought expressly with the intent on making adorable diapers. In my infinite, blond wisdom I chose to bring the multi-patterns-on-one-giant-sheet-of-paper, all this lovely fabric and my razor sharp scissors with me to work.

sometimes I am clueless.

now in all fairness I am no longer calling myself lazy at not doing this to this point. Only because I realized that it is a lot of prep work. For the soaker patterns it required 7 sets of 3 pages to piece together the sizes from premie - to XXlarge . No, I guess I didn't have to do them all, but what the heck.. that was the quick part. I was bright enough at this point to realize that only one diaper size was getting put into a usable pattern. By the time I had pieced together the pattern for the large size diaper it was the end of lunch. Now I get to carry back out all this fabric plus my usual stuff.... plus the yogurt maker my mom dropped off at work for me today. Silly me.

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